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~Enchanted StrongViolet (Greenatheart55)


New Year Update

Nevermind, everyone git thier hats, all is well in jamaa! now if we just had horses...

New Year Confusion!

Ok everyone, I think I have this all figured out. The party hats are for all members, this is only a glitch. tThey should be available by tomorrow. And the Horses? Well, they come with the new year. Horses will arrive when the Jamaa calendar changes to January. Don't worry everyone! We will all get our hats and horses soon! I have also heard the Cuffs (Elf Bracelets) are coming in the new year as well. Does anyone know if this is true? It would be great if we all could get the cuffs! It is too hard to try and trade for them, in my opinion at least. What do you think?