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This is your go to spot for Animal Jam secrets, tips, discussions and more! Enjoy!
~Enchanted StrongViolet (Greenatheart55)

Member or NonMember?

As you already know, memberships are available for purchase. They entitle you to exclusive items, extra dens and animals, pets, and even sone monthly rares! But there are two sides to every story. Are Nonmember accounts possibly just as good? I'll let you be the judge!

The good:
-exclusive items
-gifts in mail
-monthly gift
-exclusive access

The bad:
-it's easier to get scammed
-being asked to buy colored
things for nonmembers alot

The Good:
-harder to get scammed

The Bad:
-no color changing
-can't receive gifts
-no exclusives
-only two animals allowed

Member rares:

Nonmember Rares:
-nonmember bat wings
-worn blankets

(sorry if I missed any rares)

More rares available for nonmembers than members!

There was a NonMember Riot in Jamaa!!
Many members (including me) were accused
Of being scammers, predgudice, and stuck up!
They filled the town, shouting at all the members
That passed by! They said members were given more
Than nonmembers, and it wasn't fair to those who couldn't
But a membership.

So what do YOU think? Membership or Nonmembership??

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